The Magic Of Thinking Big
- by Bob McLellan
I have been reading a very
interesting book, which I believe if you would take the time to read,
would be of great benefit to you in sharpening your thinking processes
and enhancing your marketing abilities. That is certainly something you
would want to do, wouldn't you? While this book was written many
decades ago, the principles provided are still very much applicable to
today. I am sure you really would want to know if there are areas
where, with not a lot of effort, you could make improvements that would
dramatically help you to be more successful and increase your financial
situation, right?
This book was written by David J. Schwartz and is titled, "The Magic of
Thinking Big." You can even get this as an eBook to save yourself some
money. When you get this book, and you really need to, remember
do not let it sit on a shelf on gather dust on your hard drive or ebook
reader. Carefully go through its pages, noting things you need to
do and then proceed to implement those changes as quickly as you
can. Once you do this, and you can start to make changes, you
will begin to find your life becoming closer to what you really hoped
it would be.
The chapter titles of this book are as follows:
1. Believe you can succeed and you will
2. Cure yourself of excusitis, the failure disease
3. Build confidence and destroy fear
4. How to think big
5. How To think and dream creatively
6. You are what you think you are
7. Manage your environment: Go first class
8. Make your attitudes your allies
9. Think right toward people
10. Get the action habit
11. How to turn defeat into victory
12. Use goals to help you grow
13. How to think like a leader
This would really be a good time to take the necessary steps to improve
your life and your business, wouldn't it? So why not start now.
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